Sunday, December 29, 2013

Holidays, Kickstarter - Deadzone & Berserk

Happy Holidays Everyone!

I could say that I've been busy with holiday celebrations, and such, but that would only be partly true.  Yes, I did go to hang out with the family, but mostly, holidays and days off work just make me feel more lazy than normal, and that leads to a lack of motivation to do anything productive.  But I'm back in the swing of things now, and I have a couple things to share.


I love Kickstarter.  The thought of creating a project and letting regular people give funding or not to decide the fate of your concept is a great idea.  It allows you the opportunity to see if people will buy your product before you invest all the time and money into creating it.  Kickstarter allows that start-up "inventor" to make something that most companies would have never let off of the hypothetical "drawing board".

I have put money towards a number of things on Kickstarter that I thought were cool ideas.  I have mostly funded tabletop war games, but also some card games, a couple books and a video game.  Most of them have not come in yet, and won't probably be completed until next year at the very earliest, but this holiday season has seen a couple of them start to come back to me.  I have received the initial shipment for a game called Deadzone, made by Mantic, and a card game called Berserk: War of the Realms.  Both look fun and I have a bunch of pictures to show about both sets.

Berserk: War of the Realms

First off, in this post, I'd like to show Berserk: War of the Realms.  My understanding of this game is that it is already a game in Russia, and the Kickstarter was created to fund an English version.  It is a card game that incorporates dice into the card combat.  As with the last game I received, I haven't had a chance to read through all the rules, but I'll get to them eventually.

(I apologize in advance...some of the pictures are more blurry than originally thought)

Below is the box.  Nice colorful cover.

Inside there is the rule booklet, 2 game boards, 2 sets of counters, a number of dice, a few decks of cards, and then an expansion box was also included.  Supposedly because this is a Kickstarter exclusive, it comes with additional cards that would not come in the retail version of the game.

 Here is everything laid out.

Here is one of the deck of cards spread out.  Hard to see I know...

So here's a close up of some of the cards.  This is a dwarf deck, I guess.

I'll get some pictures playing the game when I round up some people to play it.  

Once I dig in to my Deadzone box, I'll make sure to post it as well.

Anyway, that's if for this post.  Thanks for checking it out.  I hope to have lots more stuff to share soon.

- Zach

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